

To International Students

Support menu NO.1


Comprehensive Job Counseling by a Qualified Counselor (a Career Adviser):

关 于 ” 就 活 “( 就 职 活 动 ), 可以提供综合性的咨询服务

A Career Adviser will work closely with you and assist you throughout your recruitment process!
Job counseling is available by appointment only so that you don't have to waste your time waiting.
You will have plenty of time (up to 40 minutes per appointment) with your career adviser during your appointment.

经验丰富的指导人员会耐心认真地指导您就职活动的相关问题。 您有任何疑虑,我们都会认真负责为您解答各种疑问。 为了更好地利用您的宝贵时间,我们采用预约制。每次咨询时间是 40 分钟

Support menu NO.2


Proofreading Your Job Application Materials:


We will proofread and revise your resume, a cover letter or a personal statement describing your strengths and your reason for application and a preparatory application form (an entry-sheet). In addition, we will help you with any questions or needs you may have about these documents, including, for example, what to write and how to prepare a particular document.

经验丰富的指导人员会将您的履历书,“自己 PR”以及”エントリーシート”(Entry sheet) 修改得更完美。 因为有文化不同,您可能不太了解书写格式或不太擅长如何用日语更好的表述,我们用换位思考的方式来全力指导您

Support menu NO.3


Providing mock job interviews (practice job interviews)​


We offer mock interviews in a realistic setting and provide feedback to help you prepare for a real job interview. Take advantage of our mock interviews services so that you can learn how to overcome your weaknesses and effectively communicate your strengths during your real interview!


Find part-time Jobs

「アルバイトを始めたいけど、初めてでよくわからない。」「学業との両立が不安。」「どんなところが向いているのかわからない。」等の悩みはありませんか?京都府内のハローワークでは学生の皆さんが安心して働くことができるよう、次の5 つの項目の履行を承諾していただける企業の良質な求人の確保に努めています。

Do you have worries like these below? “I want to find a part-time job,but I am not sure where to start.”” I am not sure if I can balance work and school.” ” I am not sure what type of work I will be good at.” To help ensure that college students can work in a safe and good work environment,at Hello Work in Kyoto,we strive to secure high-quality employment opportunities from employers that agree to abide by the following five things;​

您是否想开始做兼职,但是不知道从哪里开始,或是担心能否平衡兼职和学业,或者不知道什么样的工作适合您。为了确保学生能够安心兼职,京都府的Hello Work 努力确保从同意履行以下五点的公司获得优质工作机会。

  • Always Present the Terms of Employment
  • 确保明确说明工作条件
  • Protect the Balance between Work and School
  • 确保学习和兼职工作的平衡
  • Prevent Non-Payment of Wages lncluding Overtime
  • 不会有不支付加班费和其他违法行为
  • No Pressure/Requirement to Buy Company Products
  • 不强迫购买商品等
  • No Pre-Determined Monetary Fines or Unlawful Pay Deductions for Tardiness/Absences
  • 遵守 《劳动标准法》第16 条(不履行劳动合同的损害赔偿金额不应事先确定) 和《劳动标准法》第91 条(对迟到,旷工等处罚的限制)