To Use Our Service
Make an appointment for interpretation service (03-5361-8722) and visit the the Yotsuya Center with the following documents. ● For STUDENT 留学 Status (Visa) Holders (1) Residence Card 在留カード Passport may be required in case Residence Card is not current. (2) Student ID.
● For Specialist and Technical Expert Status (Visa) Holders such as ENGINEER 技術/ SPECIALIST IN HUMANITIES/INTERNATIONAL SERVICES 人文知識・国際業務, SKILLED LABOR 技能 or INSTRUCTOR 教育 (1) Residence Card 在留カード Passport may be required in case Residence Card is not current.
(No telephone or e-mail registration/job consultation)
NOTE: Please visit the Kabukicho Center (03-3204-8609) if you are a status (visa) holder including SPOUSE OR CHILD OF JAPANESE NATIONAL日本人配偶者等, LONG TERM RESIDENT 定住者, PERMANENT RESIDENT永住者, STUDENT 留学seeking a PART-TIME job, WORKING HOLIDAY or DEPENDENT 家族滞在
Please call 03-5361-8722 or 03-3204-8609 to make sure which center you need to visit.